Five Top Tips For Better Mental Health In The Workplace

Step One is a local organisation that supports people across Devon, who may or may not have disabilities, with their mental health problems. Our vision is to help individuals live more independently and with greater confidence so that they can fulfil their potential.  The charity has an incredible 85-year history of capacity building across the […]

The 6 Key Stages In Social Innovation

At Make A Dream Publishing Ltd., while investigating what underpins the successful creation of a social enterprise, we came across the 224-page e-book Social Innovator Series: Ways to Design, Develop and Grow Social Innovation.  This inspired us to create a workshop and a subsequent webinar based on the steps required to create a social enterprise.  […]

Have You Thought About Becoming A Your Partnerships Ambassador?

  What do you want to get from a networking event?    To make connections? Raise awareness of your brand? Or – as may be at this time – to just feel completely comfortable in a room full of strangers? Well, you can get all these things from a single Your Partnerships event – and […]